Oh right, and I finished this today as well. Added some props up front and considered it done. But there needs to be a transition page before it. Ah, well.
Mike Luce Illustration
Web comic work, illustration work and other stuff I might feel like doing.
Friday, March 21, 2025
Thursday, March 20, 2025
Wednesday, March 19, 2025
Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Got some more work on this done. The hardest part? The lettering. I wanted it to be correct but I didn't want to trace it. And I'm glad I didn't. It has an organic feel I want while still looking like a logo. I'm not sold on the expression; I'm a little meaner in the current Procreate version so will likely work on that a little. Also might do this in more than the usual three of four colors which means I'll have to go back and take the hair out of the details layer. No big deal. Still, it's coming along. Time to sit on it and come back to it with fresh eyes.
Should be finishing that page and making one that transitions between it and the last one but no, I'm doing yet another self portrait. I've been mentally planning this one for awhile. I noticed while looking through my gallery on flickr that I didn't do nearly as many portraits last year as I thought or hoped. Don't have a lot of subjects in mind currently so there's always me. This one's going to be a 3/4 length but I wanted to focus on the face first. It looks a little off, so I'll poke about with it in Procreate but this is the unaltered, freehand, no grid sketch I did this morning. The gesture and the t-shirt I'm wearing are what will sell this, I think. For now, this is how far I got.
Friday, March 14, 2025
Made only a little bit of progress as this was a three movie day. First up was the new Looney Tunes movie which I rather enjoyed. Nice to see 2D animation done well for a change. Second was the new episode of "Severance" which was even more enigmatic than the last. Finally, the Rifftrax version of "Birdemic 3: Sea Eagle" which should NOT be seen without the Riffers. So only had a little time for this. I did take ref and make a sketch of Silas that will go over most of this image. More later.
Thursday, March 13, 2025
Made a little progress on this tonight. Colors are not final at all, but man, that pink really makes the figures stand out. Silas has made a mural of him dancing, showing joy, painting just to paint. He's reaching that point where he's broken free. But how will it go over? One more track before we find out.
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Doesn't look like much yet, but this is the next page background. All those damned bricks. But I read something from artist Bill Sienkevicsz back in the 60s that said one should always do things like bricks by hand as it gives a more organic feeling. That's stuck with me all this time. It also adds a lived in look to the city, which is very necessary. So I spent a couple hours on the sketch and then a couple hours on this 'inking.' Should have some time in the next few days to finish the page. We're in transition between tracks.
Friday, March 07, 2025

Another artist and I were chatting on and off. Out of the blue, he asked if I'd do a drawing of the main character from his comic. I don't know that anyone's ever asked me to do that before. I decided I would though wasn't sure how soon I'd get to it as, well, other things. Also, his character is well outside my norm, being much bigger in frame than I usually draw. I more or less had an idea for the pose but went through one of my oldest reference books and found one I liked better. That guy is pretty thin so I had to bulk this character, Roshim more than once to get even close. Top image is the final, second is the pencil sketch. Then, I did something I pretty much never do; red lines. I generally know my own characters well enough that I don't have to do this sort of thing. Since I wanted to do a good job, I took the extra time. He hasn't seen it yet as he lives in Finland and is asleep. Here's hoping he likes it. I think it came out well.
Friday, February 28, 2025
Another page done and it's the end of the track more or less. I have to transition to him waking up and the actual finished piece being painted on the wall which leads into the next track. And next track is going to be a lot more detailed so won't go as quickly. Glad I could make some progress early on. More than half way done but there's still a lot to go.
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Got this done this morning, mostly because I had drawn and inked the figure a couple days ago. That being said, I realized I had misnumbered the last few pages which is annoying. I thought this was 225 when it's actually 229. I really should go back and renumber all the files from the previous six pages but I'm not going to. Their folders are numbered correctly. This WILL come back to bite me in the ass, but I don't care. As long as I know what order they go in, I should be fine.
Thursday, February 20, 2025
And the next three pages. Almost done with this track, though it will get a little more complex in a page or two as Silas 'wakes up' and we have to see the actual product of his dream planning. There is some lyrical editing as I go along. And sometimes I even think of ditching songs. So far, I've only added. Somewhere, I made a list of who's supposed to be singing what song. While the next one is Silas again, the one after isn't and I can't remember who is supposed to be on stage. That's what happens when it takes you 8 years to get this far.
Saturday, February 15, 2025
Fastest six pages ever. Ok, sure, it's because I use the same elements, a simple background, few details and limited palette but hey, it's six pages! And I think it does exactly what I wanted it to do, flows well, etc. Dreams are like that. I think. Anyway, up to page 225 and only one verse in the track to go.
Friday, February 14, 2025
All good plans...while I was in Boston, I hoped to shoot some footage of the routes I used to walk to school. But I got sick and shot nothing. I'll be back in July so will have to wait til then. I've felt shitty most of the week and had to fly back in a snow story (and we have another one coming tomorrow) but tonight, I did manage to get three pages done, most least of which because I got to use the same figure for all three. This is a dream sequence so things are meant to be hazy, fuzzy at the edges. And the fading of Silas is him coming in and out of sleep. So, a week off, then some progress. That's how it goes.
Saturday, February 01, 2025
Sunday, January 26, 2025
Saturday, January 25, 2025
It may not look it, but I spent a few hours on this today. There were things that just weren't working, one big thing I got very wrong and a lot of details to work on. As it is, I think I'll wait overnight but that the tonal version of this is finished. What I'm going to do with the colors remains to be seen.
Thursday, January 23, 2025
Started another portrait of Ian today. He has an amazingly hard face to get right. While I like where this is at, the likeness just isn't there. I'm being a lot more painterly with it, still trying to keep the palette down as far as possible. More work is needed, lots more fiddling. But his was my favorite portrait done of last year, so let's push ourselves a bit.
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Saw someone online offering a very quick exercise; draw what you're wearing right now but only take five minutes. So I did it. Amazingly loose but I think it works ok for what it is. And it's good to try to do things without so much planning, depending on observation and quick decisions. Might do more of these.
Monday, January 20, 2025
Forgot to post this yesterday, which is when I got it done. Trying to get some more wild and emotion based figures in the section and managed to do so here. The text mostly works but I can see how it could be misread. Page works great with the ones before it. Already have ideas for things I need to do in later pages, so this track is coming together well. At least to me. It's not popular in social media but that's also part of the point of this track; Silas really likes what he's doing but it won't go over well with the other taggers.
Thursday, January 16, 2025
Sometimes I upload before I think enough about what I just made. This was one of those times. I needed the sleeping figure of Silas to do more than just disappear. The movement wasn't making sense. I easily rectified that by dropping the opacity in the middle two pages. Updated them on Flickr. NOW I can move on.
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
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