Thursday, November 08, 2007

An almost promo piece for the next comic. It's needs a little more work, the aesthetic a tiny bit more tweaking. Still, it's progress and I finally got a name for the comic.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

And one more of these, left in Rocco's modern life style (don't like how this turned out) and the right, more like Ren and Stimpy. Angry, manly Lucco!

Friday, November 02, 2007

And for that matter, what would Lucco look like were he a Nicktoon? Why I believe something like the above.

Another what if kind of thing; what if Ghiroy were going to be a Nicktoon? Just playing about with other people's filters for fun.

Another bit of practice, making an animation-style background from a specific reference photo. The next step, I think, will be to abstract things a bit more as for now, they're a little too realistic. Still, helps me learn.