Thursday, March 31, 2011

I've not been totally satisfied with Harlon's nose. It's the one leftover from what was a very flat, 50s illustration inspired design. Since I've been studying classic animation more and more, trying to give more dimension to my cartoons, this was tripping me up. So I spent the morning doing a few pages of sketches with something a little less flat. Also pushed the eyes a little closer together. This is the current final design (what character in comics or cartoons ever stopped evolving?). Posed for this while translating me into the bunny.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A very self-indulgent page indeed. But if I didn't draw it, it wouldn't get out of my head. So here it is. Fite, Harlon and Tamino are all my children in a way, and their 'worlds' feel like empty sound stages, places where something once took place. Likely, they will eventually mean something only to me. So I visit them and remember the joy they gave me. It's not that I think them shining examples so much as they're mine.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Two more pages.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Two pages of a comic that came from nowhere. Don't know if this is going anywhere and if so, where.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Lucco punch 2 animation

Resized this so it would fit here, also sped it up a little and added a bag so he was shown to be hitting something. If I were doing more with this, I'd change his expression on the second frame as well, but as this is just an exercise, I'll leave it as is. To me, this feels more HB-ish all the time.

EDIT: Threw in another arm movement just because I could.

Lucco Punch 3
Harlon animated test

So here's playing about with the same process as below but with Harlon. I don't like the coldness of the line weights, but that's something I can work on as I did with Lucco. This is getting a lot closer to what I want. Even in the HB 'few drawings as possible' approach, there's room for a lot of expression. In this case, I wanted a little extra something from the ears and will likely try and keep that. As always, it amazes me what the eye will fill in between extreme drawings.
Lucco Punch

Not a great deal going on artistically as I wait to hear the fate of Tamino at my first choice of publisher. Still trying to get a hold on a process for animating Harlon. I think I'm aiming too high, wanting to do Disney level stuff right out of the gate. I need to aim more at HB. In that light, here's a down and dirty little gif of Lucco jabbing at the bag.

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Lousy scan. Did this as a technical exercise. I was right. I did want to paint this. Acrylic on paper.