Monday, September 02, 2024

 Our internet service was down for a week which threw a wrench into pretty much anything I wanted to do. I am amazingly tied to technology for what I do. I know this isn't a good thing and perhaps if I were retired, I would aim back into traditional media more. And really, nothing was stopping me from drawing or doing things with my iPad or Mac. I just felt detached. Still, I did manage another portrait of Barbara Francis from "The Beast of Yucca Flats." She has a compelling face to me for some reason and there are some oddly interesting shots in this otherwise terrible movie. The best part is that NO one is shown actually speaking because the director couldn't afford sync sound. So you spend a lot of time wondering how they're going to have the characters' mouths hidden next to keep from having to do that. It's sort of like old Hanna-Barbera cartoons where all action, like car crashes, take place off camera because that way you don't have to draw them. Anyway. This is the last of her. I'm pretty happy with it. Spent more time on the drawing though I probably should have spent more. Still learning things about all this, and that's a good bit right there.