Friday, March 07, 2025


Another artist and I were chatting on and off. Out of the blue, he asked if I'd do a drawing of the main character from his comic. I don't know that anyone's ever asked me to do that before. I decided I would though wasn't sure how soon I'd get to it as, well, other things. Also, his character is well outside my norm, being much bigger in frame than I usually draw. I more or less had an idea for the pose but went through one of my oldest reference books and found one I liked better. That guy is pretty thin so I had to bulk this character, Roshim more than once to get even close. Top image is the final, second is the pencil sketch. Then, I did something I pretty much never do; red lines. I generally know my own characters well enough that I don't have to do this sort of thing. Since I wanted to do a good job, I took the extra time. He hasn't seen it yet as he lives in Finland and is asleep. Here's hoping he likes it. I think it came out well.