Sunday, August 03, 2008

Just some sketching I've been doing between pages of Tamino. First, an experiment in watercolor, which I don't use enough. Ghiroy in WC and ink. Lucco seems to come a lot more easily now than when I was doing "Fite!" which is kind of annoying. I was using some of Ben Balistreri's poses as reference to see if could learn something with my own character work. He makes it look so easy! Ghiroy's poses are my own and he, too is coming more easily though I've yet to do any work on that comic as there just isn't time. Stupid retail job. And the kids from Narnia! Soon (not) to be a saturday morning show!


Elephantiasis said...

Hey! I am digging those Ghiroy heads. Squash, stretch, emotion and character are all coming through with confidence and consistency. That happy Lucco is completely awesome, too. :D

T' said...

Such a nice guy, commenting twice on the same stuff! I have to say, I wonder what it would be like to do this sort of thing for a living.