Thursday, April 26, 2012

Two random bits. First is a quick sketch using 'Paper' on my iPad. It's the first app I've found that feels like analog stuff. It's very limited in its way but is so far my favorite. Second is a painting I'm working on based on the inked self portrait I did last week. The lines aren't there as of yet, they're just superimposed to see how it might look.


myminimocs said...

it's been ages since i've visited...and maybe it was that yummy glass of wine that drew me in...LOVE IT! i-pad eh - very cool!

T' said...

Thanks very kindly! I appreciate the visit and the comment!

Behemoth media said...

I have an app called "art set" that was 1$ and pretty organic looking as well. But limited also. That wine glass really looks like a watercolor!

T' said...

Thanks, Vince! I'll look into art set.