Thursday, December 26, 2024

 Did a lot of touch up and detail work on this one but got it done. I started off sampling colors from the photo I used, then switched to the palette I made from "The Blue Boy," saved it and then started using more saturated colors to try and get away from my usual stuff. That made a big difference. Though these colors aren't 'right,' they have more life to them, especially the skin tones. Luckily, the model likes it, too. I think this might be my favorite of the year. The lower angle imparts a feeling of strength that I'm glad is there. Anyway, one more done. Might try and get one more in. The work schedule currently sucks and I have very little left to give.


Vincent-louis Apruzzese said...

I see why you like this so much! You have been busy! There is at least one person looking forward to more of the comic! I have been away a few days and covered with children so I hadn’t had a chance to see and comment on all this new stuff!

T' said...

Thanks, Vince! I had some nice reactions to it on social media, which felt nice. What amazes me is that I didn't have to do anything but use a grid for this. Sometimes, I have to use a little tracing because there's some part I just can't get. This was all hand done pencil and then Procreate. Even if I don't get anything else finished, I'm happy.

Vincent-louis Apruzzese said...

My pal Keamy is painting now and he is pretty good! He get frustrated over certain things and i have sent him a bunch of info on drawing aids and techniques artists have used for sometimes hundreds of years so he can realize as soon as there were ways to help get their art done with less aggravation, they started using them and the art got better overall. There is a huge satisfaction just sitting down and drawing something on paper with nothing but a pencil but there needs to be a satisfaction over aggravation/frustration ratio to consider! Toby would sketch people on the train in the morning or in the park. On the farm i will grab anything nearby and draw it. When I feel I want more precision and accuracy I use what I think will work as it already can take me days to weeks to draw something!