Thursday, January 23, 2025

 Started another portrait of Ian today. He has an amazingly hard face to get right. While I like where this is at, the likeness just isn't there. I'm being a lot more painterly with it, still trying to keep the palette down as far as possible. More work is needed, lots more fiddling. But his was my favorite portrait done of last year, so let's push ourselves a bit.


Behemoth media said...

I can't speak to the likeness since I don't know the guy but it really looks like an actual person if you know what I mean, the expression is very natural and engaging. The glass he is holding might profit from a little more detail but not too much or it might compete with the face for attention.

T' said...

Thanks! It's not a glass he's holding, it's his phone. Just didn't draw any details on it yet.

Vincent-louis Apruzzese said...

Well assumed and made and ass of “u” and “me”. Well… just me! Lol