Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Hey. So this is where I work, when I'm not at work. There are little labels on some things. No reason to post these. No reason not to, either. Some day, I might make some money here!


Behemoth media said...

be honest... did yu clean up before taking those photo? ;)

T' said...

Of course I did!

Behemoth media said...

I miss the open studios days.. seeing the art is great but also seeing where it is done is even better sometimes. You realize that someone living a life created it, makes it more personal I think.

T' said...

I only went to an open studio thing once and it was indeed cool. Makes you want to sit down and make something with said person, yes? :"D

Behemoth media said...

yes! The last one I went to was very sad in Boston.. the owners of the buildings had all sold out to condos and they "allowed" a huge space for artists to rent for "open studios"... but their were no studios(!), just a big indoor faire of artists selling their stuff from all over, not just from the area. I missed the point entirely.