Saturday, December 18, 2010

Harlon animated 3

Quickly thrown together double-take using a Yogi bear cartoon as a reference. Sped things up a bit this time around which helps. Also just found out that while I was thinking at 24 fps, DVDs show in 30 fps which messes with my head.

Friday, December 17, 2010

This year's holiday card design. I know it's highly unrealistic; you try wrapping a cat. Happy holidays to any and all that might come by this blog and thanks for looking about.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Harlon animated 2

Second try with the animation, this time using a second's worth of old HB animation as the base. I wanted to see how far I could push this or how far they did. Quite far as it turns out. Looking at various programs online, I find I like the hand drawn look over that of Flash, ToonBoom and the like. This is obviously very rough but one has to learn somehow.

Monday, December 06, 2010

harlon animated 3

Did a -very- quick and dirty attempt at animating Harlon. This is likely to be the next project when Tamino is done. I really haven't done any animation before (well, a little about 25 years ago) so this is a crude first try. Also, I was using Image Ready, which really isn't what one would want to use for web-toons, which is what I want. Still, there it is.