Thursday, December 16, 2010

Harlon animated 2

Second try with the animation, this time using a second's worth of old HB animation as the base. I wanted to see how far I could push this or how far they did. Quite far as it turns out. Looking at various programs online, I find I like the hand drawn look over that of Flash, ToonBoom and the like. This is obviously very rough but one has to learn somehow.


Behemoth media said...

Photoshop has a video track you can animate frame by frame on with layers.. you might try that. I'd say even this simple example is better than most cartoons we see on tv now so you are well on your way.
If you don't have this book, buy it today...
seriously, it's an amazing resource.

T' said...

Thanks, Vince! I did animate this in PS, though really, Image Ready. I probably need to go to Flash as it's the industry standard. Actually animating even what the HB people did fifty years ago teaches on a lot. Thanks for the link!

Behemoth media said...

The book is nicely priced too. There is a huge dvd set with the actual animations, but it's about 1000$. The book really explains how the old style animation was done and why, in detail. I pull it out every time I animate something.

I am curious what you will do with flash. The "puppet tool" will save you some time with somethings. I use it in photoshop and in after effects.

I forget image ready even existed as part of photoshop!

T' said...

Ordered the book, Vince. It was very cheap used and I'll take your word on it as you do some of this for a living.

I didn't know about Image Ready at all until a friend told me about it. As for Flash, I was told by one of the studio people when I went to that convention that I should at the very least put my hands on it as it's a standard. A friend who used to work for Spumco tells me that what I'm already doing is pretty much what they used to do: scan, throw through Illustrator's Live Trace, export to Flash. Beats using a film camera set up!

Behemoth media said...

I can't see how you will regret it. I got my copy at a great price as well. I imagine knowing flash will also help you in almost any other software for animation to some extent. It's pretty pricey on it's own. Less so if you get it in a suite with photoshop etc.

FIlm camera animation.... goodness we were insane. I still miss my old bell and howell animation setup and super 8 however