Sunday, August 26, 2012

There are a couple of iterations missing but this is the current 'timeline' of development for my comic, "Delve Deep." Perhaps I've been pouring too much energy into this thing. On the other hand, I'm happiest with the current version of the character style and design. Considering the original drawing of Sharp came to me in one sketch, I've had a hell of a time beating this thin into something more solid. Now I have to hope that the work will be worth it.


Behemoth media said...

14 averyasettling on a look and feel is a part of the process so if nothing else, you are on your way to finishing this. will you do a character sheet for everyone?

T' said...

I probably should do one for everyone. It would make the most sense. Eventually I'll even get to making the damned comic! :"D