Saturday, January 31, 2015

This is what distracted me from the mice. I started watching some artist documentaries on YouTube (always a dangerous thing) and started sniffing at fine art again. This is dangerous as it always takes me out of the mindset of doing comics. Or whatever else I'm working on. And at this point, I was really enjoying the mice. But I enjoy this, too. Luckily, it hasn't blown up into another selfie project, though this time using Rembrandt as a source. Did two ink drawings and then decided to do a little something in PS... or wait, I think I did the PS one first. And there's an Illustrator one in there, too. Just because. I was trying to make a street art inspired take on some old master's work. I didn't really achieve that, but I made these. And there's a half completed painting sitting on my drawing table, too. *sigh* Inspiration can be a bitch sometimes. At least I'm not on a deadline with someone else. So I guess my being distracted doesn't really matter. No one's waiting for any of this so who cares when it gets done?

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