I think it's fair to say that, at this point, I'm not going to beat my previous record for posts in a year. That being said, I think I'll beat last year which is something. Stuff keeps getting in the way and, to be fair, a lot of prep work for Silas is in the writing, not drawing. Did manage to sneak this in last week before Black Friday weekend, which, as always, sucked every moment of time out of me. I mean to make this a t-shirt for me to wear, if no one else. Tried to make it initially in Affinity which mostly worked, but the final steps didn't work. Have to look into it more. AI is a little more buggy than it was under El Capitan and I'd really like to leave it behind. I take it as progress as I reached for it first.
I have some vector stuff to work on this week and I am going to use Designer, the last logo i did was all Designer and overall it was much much easier to work with. In a couple weeks the update to Photo will come out (I could test the beta, but I haven't had time) and I am hoping the will take over most of my photoshop work from now on!
I had trouble with this one in AD. One of the things I need it to do is to export with invisible backgrounds and it didn't really want to do that. Also, you can't resize past the boundary of the art board, and that's kind of annoying. Could be there are ways to do what I want and I just haven't figured out how, yet. Should be getting my t shirt soon. Hope it looks cool. :"D
I haven't had any problems exporting with a transparent background and just yesterday i changed the size of the art board on something. I did find most of the changed in AD were for web page layout which isn't my thing. The artboards have and dartboard tool in the left menu and you can move, resize etc once it's clicked. Exporting with a an alpha, you'll have to check the settings and make sure you have that option checked off. I have been pretty good at going through the tutorials and it's helping me adapt a lot faster.
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