Monday, December 12, 2016

Still haven't had much time to draw. It's mostly work and occasional writing. That being said, there are some sketches I've made, breaking in a new pad. Looks like this one will be as eccentric as the last one which is fine by me. Sometimes I just like to draw for the sake of drawing. Stuff isn't very deep but it's enjoyable to do. One of these is a Biography that I didn't finish. Don't remember what I was thinking other than I was home sick. Just as well. I think that comic's getting stale. It needs something more. Barely updated it this year.


Behemoth media said...

Its important you keep drawing, comic progressing or not. We all go though slow times, I am as well. My major projects are done, no work contracts coming in. Can't seem to get ahead on anything. Might be post-election pre- scared for the rights and lives of everyone on the planet stuff, could just be the typical depression that comes when you accomplish one o a few major things and then suddenly, there is nothing left to do for a while.

T' said...

I agree; drawing is important even if it's not some big project. All this stuff will feed into City Silent when I'm done writing the songs. This whole comic is kind of a commentary on that depression when you finish a large project, in this case, Tamino. Though I did put a lot of work into the skater mice comic. And I am proud of that, too. Still, this one's going to be a monster when I get it done.

Behemoth media said...

After doing a lot of work on something like having a big exhibition of your work or finishing a comic or whatever there is always that empty now I'll never do anything else feeling. Unless you have a lot of stuff planned still to accomplish. I always have little things here and there but this year I did a doc, 2 animations, 4 book (2 of them huge) and a TV show. If I have a new TV show I would just keep rolling along but since don't... time to recess my life it seems.