Tuesday, March 27, 2018

City Silent page 31. Except it's really page 32 because I forgot that I didn't finish the first verse in the last page. So, gah. Means I'll have to go back and make something up. It's annoying but I didn't want to shove the last two lines of the first verse into this and then try and cram the whole eight lines in as well. Messy. Oh, well. Included the images from the iPad of the background graffiti. That pad has become vital to the making of this comic. What amazes me is that SuperVectorizer does such a good job turning that stuff into vectors that read almost too real for the rest of the art. It helps add more organic feel to the comic which is why I keep inking with a dip pen, though I set a new record for smudging on this page. Gah, again. For what it's worth, this page has many elements; the background lines are on one page, the foreground lamp pose is another. Silas was drawn separately and each piece of graffiti was done on its own. The stanzas are two separate piece so I could place them and move them around as I saw fit. I'm pretty happy with the page, moreso since I did this one start to finish today. Usually I have something started or get part way. Thought sure I wasn't going to make it but once I had everything scanned, even last minute graffiti stuff took almost no time. Hope to do this again later this week. Scheduling with work hasn't been helpful lately.

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