Monday, January 21, 2019

I've been bad about updating the blog. On the other hand, I have been making Harlon strips so there's that. The one in the middle, "Metaphor," I didn't post. I like it, but I'm not sure it fits with the others and it feels like something I might have done in Biography some time before. Making these on the iPad is SO much easier and faster than it is on paper. I can get one done from scratch in about an hour. What I need to make sure I can do is save those Procreate files so that if I need to vectorize them at a later date, I can. Right now, they're just dumbed down 96dpi jpgs. Not sure how long I'll do these. While they're getting attention, they feel easy. City Silent is waiting in the wings. I think if I looked back, I'd find that this time of year I tend to stall on all the big projects. Ten years ago, I stalled at this same time on Tamino and did... Harlon. The holidays really take it out of me, I guess. At least I'm still making something.

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