Tuesday, January 01, 2019

This is a post, first of the year, to kind of poke myself with some positive feedback. I AM a lazy bastard, this I know but I also get things done despite the part time job and two D+D games. This year, there were 42 pages of "City Silent" made, 14 of "Ghiroy," 8 of "Biograph," another image was made in the prints series, three t-shirts were made, multiple portraits and tons of sketches done on the iPad and, while not art related, I started a podcast with my best friend and we've so far recorded 32 episodes of it. I've also started moving away from traditional media in favor of the iPad. I won't give up ink totally, but the last page of City Silent was done without any real media at all. And I don't think you can tell the difference. So here's hoping 2019 is at least as productive. Needs to be more so or City Silent will never get done.

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