Thursday, July 01, 2021

 Already starting to edit the sequence. Because of the way it was put together, it wasn't hard to make these two versions of the original opening page as all the elements were already there. I wanted the sense of place to be better shown and also wanted to add a sense of animation to the bit. There will also be the opening shot of the alley with the curtains opening. That being said, it throws my page count all to hell. I have no idea what the actual page is I'm working on now. The numbering will probably be the absolute last step somewhere down the road.


Behemoth media said...

Numbering is better done at the end I think. I like these two they do show movement and it makes that alleyway even more interesting a location. You have been busy!

T' said...

These two took me about five minutes total, so not that busy. Thanks!