Saturday, February 05, 2022

 Sometimes looking at other artists gives me new perspective. Sometimes it makes me feel bad because they have all these followers and likes and seem to effortlessly connect with an audience. I was looking at some of the young, zeitgeist artists I follow on Instagram. As is often the case, I get itchy and want to do THAT thing. Best to just make something while the inspiration is there and get it out of my system. If I'm lucky, I'll get something out of it. In this case, realizing that the comic was getting too tight again; I was being too literal with my reference. So if this helps me loosen up, that's good. I am NOT switching styles again partway through either the comic or the track. This is just a bit of exorcism and it was fun. Nicely messy. It's an alternate take on page 115's top panel. Trust in the drawing more. That's another lesson.


Behemoth media said...

I love the colour palette and the half tone work! The rough text looks really fitting for the rest. I can see why you jumped right in to this.

T' said...

Thanks. I only wanted to dip my toe in this kind of water. As long as it helps me loosen up a bit.

Behemoth media said...

New things help with the old ones and you are always exploring!