Saturday, March 24, 2012

Still nothing much to see. With all I have to do, I’m actually wasting time playing a video game. Feh. I know better, but it’s often years between games that really interest me. Sometimes too much to do is worse than too little. So I doodled these guys today. Still working out the bugs. The Hirschfeld documentary had me thinking about adding texture, something I don’t do much at all and the crowquill just screams for it. Feet are all wrong, as are the hands. Still, it’s a process.


Behemoth media said...

I am partial to textures... so I love the textures. The character is really interring too, you may not love the hands but there is a tension there that gives them weight I think.

T' said...

It's not so much that I don't love the hands as it is that I think I haven't spent enough time designing and understanding them. Thanks, Vince! (I say that a lot!)

Behemoth media said...

Thanks Mike!

there I've said it now so we're even!