Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Back and forth on this... like a lot. Just got back from Italy, which was very cool. This is my first drawing in a long while. I did one sketch while away. I just generally never draw while on vacation. Anyway, putting stuff aside can sometimes help me see things more freshly later on. Lots of thought going on about the bunnies as well as everything else. Have to finish the Crawford story by the end of October which is a whole other kind of style. It's like having to utterly change clothes as I go from project to project; it's awkward and takes me time to get ready. Should just choose the one style and be done with it. Huh. Anyway, this is Benny again though I'm trying to bring back some of the lost detail as well as go with a face that seems to be more unique, less general. This project has to wait, though. Too much else to do.

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