Monday, September 28, 2015

Did this today. Yah, it's another re-draw of an earlier promo piece. But it's important, at least to me in two ways. First, it shows the new style working with the old pose. Second, it shows what some of the vegetation is likely to look like. It's alien and has the right level of detail for what I want to do. All in all, I'm pretty pleased with this, including the intermediary low opacity magenta filter over the background. Each page/panel will be composed like a poster/woodblock print. I've got a friend who is a pro artist helping me with the stylings for the backgrounds. All I need to do is actually START this damned thing and then follow through. Easy, right?


Behemoth media said...

Can you force yourself into a schedule, like one page a week or something? Sort of like people do with exercise, you just make your plan and do it, sometimes half asleep but before you know it it's a habit and you are making progress. I set a clip a day of animation for my current project and I am surprised that I am actually doing it. I did take a couple days to draw and step back from it tough... otherwise I would start letting the quality of the work suffer to get the unity I want done.

T' said...

Oh, if this thing is to get done, I have to have a schedule. That's how I finished all the other ones. Harlon was the easiest one; a strip a day. Since this is supposed to be on the order of 4-500 pages, yah. Schedule. A page a week isn't enough. The art is more detailed or is looking to be that way so we'll see. Thanks for looking, Vince!