Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Two work demos from the same sketch. Another Rembrandt (I really like his self portraits.) One I tried to make more relevant, whatever that means by working his image into something that look spray painted. The other one is just a quick, messy interpretation. I like both for different reasons and managed to get both done in under an hour. Don't know that there will be a lot more of these work demos; I was recently told that a lot of the stuff I do isn't as 'catchy,' or 'relevant' to the customers. Another coworker, who is very nice and young apparently can really 'work the crowd,' though I think what she does is draw dogs and cats. Which is fine. I don't think that really shows the range of the iPad but if that's what they want, I'll let her do it. Bitter? Only a little.


Behemoth media said...

Are you still going to be able to draw at work? Or is she taking over your space for that completely? If so... that's a shame, the customers are missing out.

T' said...

I don't draw as much as I used to because we're so busy, but I kind of feel that if she's pulling the audience and I'm not, I might as well not bother. Which is fine because it's hard to concentrate on it there anyway. If I have an actual class, it works out fine.

Behemoth media said...

Well they are lucky to have someone as good as you teaching classes and showing off the device. Seeing your work on it would settle any questions I had about using it for art.