Thursday, February 27, 2020

So the last re-design of Crow got a resounding "ugly" from two separate sources. I don't see it personally. I liked that design. Kind of a lot. And while I don't think the hero has to be some handsome hunk, I do need him to be at least appealing. So I tamed down his eyebrows and his janky teeth (not seen here), put back his original hair and made this. At this point, I think I honestly don't know what other people like, because I like this style a lot.


Behemoth media said...

Do what you think is right and is something you will enjoy for the length of the comic. You never know what people will like in the end so you might as well like it! You are doing tons today! I have been cleaning up dog puke all day... so not much happening creative here today!

T' said...

I've lived by the 'do what I want' thing for too long. There has to be something that's at least an attempt to attract readers and such. That being said, I am utterly incapable of making something that appeals to the masses so I... will likely just keep plowing on. Hope Watson is ok!

Behemoth media said...

Well maybe pushing towards what other like will help you keep consistent as you go with the comic. In my work I often, almost always have to make concessions ot the client and it's not really a bad thing. Mostly.

Watson was sick all night, no food for a day and see how that goes.