Monday, October 12, 2020

And done. A very imperfect photo because of glare and terrible lighting. That being said, this was fun to do and since all the planning was done ahead of time, not too hard to do. There was some learning to be done here; being less picky about the sketched lines and being more willing to improvise are the two biggest things I need to get over. It's big enough, about 20x30 or so. I think it has presence and that I managed to keep that intensity and slight sadness from the original photo. Wasn't sure there was going to be a big difference between a full sized print and paint, but of course there is. Digital is easier but is its own thing. I'm kind of torn; I like both. 


Behemoth media said...

This looks like an interesting project... it really looks like the original but the size and paint stroke set it apart

T' said...

Its size is also a factor but that can't be seen online.

Behemoth media said...

Not really but I got an idea of it from the "making of" photo