Sunday, September 11, 2022

 It's been weeks but tonight, I finally started on the next section of City Silent. True, I didn't finish the Krankor portrait yet, but that's more an exercise than it is a finished thing, or at least, that's what I'm telling myself. Tonight I'd wanted to play video games but my partner wanted to so I went back to the studio, grumpy, took a short nap then put on a record. Soon, I was bored and decided to take a look at the next song again. It's been bugging me as to who to cast for it. I kept thinking that Digby might have been a better choice and I just couldn't get my head around it. Finally, I think I understood my own song and will indeed be casting Ricci in it.

Digby looks floating up there, I know, but there will be another image with him reacting as he sees Ricci approaching from off stage. Then, below, Ricci will grab him and start singing. I think this song's going to be shorter, less stage direction, less moving around. And...this is important, Ricci isn't going to paint anything. The song is called "The Shill," and it's about those who pretend to be "street" just to play the system. Not entirely unlike me making this whole comic, I suppose. Because of that, no painting. Not like all the rest.

The background above is made from three of my photos. The ground is just a sidewalk I took a photo of in LA. The dumpster is from Harvard Square, and the background is a big painting I did a few years ago simply called, "Graffiti." I think it works well, though we'll be segueing away from photo backgrounds, I think to something more simple. Huh I wrote a lot about very little. Let's hope the song doesn't feel that way.


Behemoth media said...

This looks like a great start! A new section! The dumpster has a nice look to it.
Btw: I played with a cheap, ie: free, Ai image creation program and the results were truly horrifying! So much so I might get ideas for monsters for future horror animations from it. Have you looked into any of that AI stuff?

T' said...

I really HATE the AI generators. I can already see companies turning to them instead of actual artists, shrinking an already tiny market and using AI as a reason to pay less to those they do still hire. Sorry, it's a knee-jerk thing but I really hate them. They couldn't exist without stealing pieces of others' images, too.

Behemoth media said...

I have yet to see any images that aren’t super weird or massively worked on. The stuff I did was super disturbing looking and it was “man holding a rabbit”. I suppose it will die out or find some niche but I don’t see it replacing actual artists. To be honest, I didn’t find it “fun” or even curious but I wanted to see what it was about.