Thursday, September 08, 2022

Worked some more on Krankor. My usual style was feeling a little stale. That, coupled with the fact that I recently received a digital image from a painter I commissioned to paint me made me want to try something more painterly, more observed, less reliant on style. So I took the original sketch as some kind of basis and just started painting in Procreate. A lot of things were off, a lot of boundaries had to be reset, details refined. This is perhaps two hours' work brought down to 30 seconds in the Procreate video. I don't paint like this often and perhaps I should. Observation is a skill like any other and needs to be practiced. I think this is, so far, a good deal more successful than was the original version I was trying to do. The best part, for me, is that this is all done by hand. No graph, no tracing, nothing. Just observation. I think that's important for my development. Still, such a silly subject for such an exercise.


Behemoth media said...

It’s good practice to go all traditional now and then to remind yourself of the basics and reawaken those skills that get dull from all the assistance digital can give us. You seem to be obsessed with krankor!

T' said...

Ooops, missed this comment! Not obsessed with Krankor but I do kind of want to get that "serious approach to a ridiculous figure" kind of thing going. At some point! :D