Wednesday, August 02, 2023

 Page 156 done. Now I've equalled the page count of Tamino, but I've half the comic to go and then a little bit. This will definitely be my last long form comic. I don't think I'll have it in me to do these extended projects again. But that's a long way away now. I think I've been working on this one for six years so far and a lot has happened and changed. My workflow is actually quicker than it used to be. And I'm allowing myself to find shortcuts that don't shortchange the art. Once I finish all of the first half, I'll go back through the whole thing and see where stuff doesn't work or needs shoring up. Then I'll release it. As we head into the fall, I hope to be more productive. This year has been a shit show in a few ways, none of them artistically in nature. It's all that stupid job I still have to have. Well, we'll see.

1 comment:

Behemoth media said...

½ done even with a the job you have is pretty good. I think finding shortcuts that work with your art but don’t hurt it is the hallmark of any good artist. I think we have taught unless you are torturing yourself to finish something it isn’t somehow real art, even if it would look exactly the same with the shortcut. It lets you do more art and satisfy the need to continue to do new things!