Thursday, October 19, 2023

I didn't feel like stitching them all together but these are the grid shots for all of the first half. Man, doesn't LOOK like 174 pages or six years' worth of work, but there you are. It's kind of fun to see the colors start out kind of dark, a little dour and then have them pop when the mice show up. The greens of Howard echo, which is good. All in all, I'm happy with it. There's some real fun in there and some pages of which I'm pretty proud. Here's to another 200 pages to come!


Behemoth media said...

I don't know, looks like a lot of work to me! Just putting this grid together looks like a lot of work by itself. You are certainly to be admired for taking this on. You can see a rhythm in the flow of colour from page to page. Its pretty impressive!

T' said...

The grid was just a screenshot from Flickr. :D Having gone through all the pages again, I can honestly say that I love my comic. Do I wish that it was some kind of success? Yes. At the end of the day, what matters is that I love it. Thanks for looking, Vince!

Behemoth media said...

That's how you do it! Adobe Bridge had a "contact sheet" function I quite liked. haven't seen it anywhere else. As for being successful, this is 100% successful but I get that it doesn't feel that way. I had goals of getting my documentaries on TV and in the theatre and selling on Amazon... all of which I made with my first few docs. I won a couple awards but over 20 years after making "50 years" I would be hard pressed to say I have made over 1000$ from it. People see watch it and my doc about the 1270 bar and I get the occasional nice message about them. I have to consider all that successful even though it didn't exactly lead to a career that [ays the bills, I do get to do what I love much of the time.