Thursday, May 23, 2024

 Houston, we have a problem. I've been looking at the pages for this track and it's been slowly dawning on me that the images are just in the wrong order. The flow doesn't make sense. At first, I thought I could fix this by simply changing the what text was on which page. But that won't work as it turns out I was too clever for my own boots and did visual representations of some of the lyrics so they can't be so easily divorced from their page. The last two pages, which have Tamino in them, make no sense in the order they're being shown in. This whole track has been a mess, though I like it visually. After messing about with text, I finally realized that the best move would be to make a new page to shove between the existing 184 and 185. Which are:

BUT...the page of spray cans makes no visual sense as is, so will have to be moved to the end of the sequence just before Tamino shows up as, well, it makes sense to show Silas painting and then WHAT he's painting. So the track has been a mess. And I'm fixing it so I can move on. When done, I think it will flow a hell of a lot better, so it's worth it. My process doesn't always work which is why I highly recommend no one use it but me.


Behemoth media said...

Changes are the process, you are much more free with how you plan out each part than anyone i know of so change is a big part of finding your path i think, it what makes it yours.

T' said...

Am I 'free' or just scattershot about the whole thing? :D I agree that change is part of my process, likely any artist's process up to a point. The real skill is knowing when to stop.

Behemoth media said...

I think this sort of goes with my long held idea that art is like a kind of mental illness. You feel compelled to do it, work on your techniques for your whole life, obsessed with "getting further" which is a nebulous idea at best, will work on some small detail only you will ever notice for years and you feel terrible withdrawal if you can't do it for period of time. It sort of keeps you mentally healthy and off balance at the same time. I know for me I HAVE to get my stuff on paper, on video etc and it just stays in my mind poking me until I do. I have been trying to give up on ideas that don't work for me instead of letting them all simmer until I find the "solution". It ain't easy!

I don't know if that is positive or negative!

T' said...

Those are very sad and wise words, Vince. I may quote you in other places. I was just looking at Instagram at people setting up shows for their paintings and ads for comic printing services and realizing I will never experience either of those things. And now I'm off to work on that Joe Wilkinson portrait anyway. What's wrong with me?! Hah! At the very least, I enjoy my work. That will have to be good enough.

Behemoth media said...

Weird portraits is one of those subjects you can't live without obviously! I seriously never understood why your comic work wasn't picked up by someone, maybe it would have been if you were at this point in the 80s or earlier when there were more experimental and independent comics about. All we really need to do is get in shape, get younger, and paint in jock straps on Instagram and slowly turn the finished piece in front of us to reveal it! I think you, like me, are just into your work and want it to speak for you. It might not be the sort of thing others think of as "success" but I think we are better off in the end. Art may be something we can't live without, but it also helps me through life, I drew the most I have have over the last couple years sitting in hospitals and old age homes while my parent's health degraded. No amount of "followers" is better than having art as a lovely distraction.