Saturday, June 08, 2024

 And done. It wasn't so hard as I thought it might be though I didn't realize til I was about 80% through that I'd zoomed in the background a bit on the original. Oh, well, not going to change it now. Doesn't really matter. I still like this image very much and it's still my favorite spread of that comic. I would like to get it printed someday and now I can. It makes me happy.


Behemoth media said...

Do you notice a difference between the new and the old? I would be very tempted to tinker with it while remaking it!

T' said...

The biggest difference was the quality of the vectorization in the background and the fact that I'd zoomed in a little and cropped it on the original. I didn't do that in the updated version. There were also a couple of very small mistakes I fixed and one color I tweaked a little. Other than that, I didn't change anything. Wait, I DID add some little red lights to the tops of towers in the background because you couldn't see them in the original. The colors were sampled from the original AI files and a few of the windows were copied directly so it's as accurate as it can be. I mostly wanted to leave it as-is, even though it never existed like this.

Behemoth media said...

I like the lights in the windows how they are in perspective . I would have been tempted to add more shading and gradients. AI used to have a really powerful vectorizing feature but before I stopped using it, it had simplified it and wasn’t nearly as’s probably still better than most, though.

T' said...

Livetrace worked well for me for years. So did Streamline before that. I haven't had a problem with SV so far. It's only with this that I see its limitations or my unfamiliarity with it.

Behemoth media said...

I have you to thank for Affinity Designer and SV! When you switched I did soon after on your experiences with them. I just did my interview and q&A for "Pulled Towards the Sea" at the online festival, it went over well I think. People were active in commenting and with questions. Thanks again!

T' said...

Glad people saw it and talked to you! That sounds great! Well done!