Friday, June 07, 2024

 On Facebook today, a 'memory' popped up. Seven years ago, I was working on page two of "The City Silent." Seven years ago. Page two. I am not on a speedy track. But that's ok. I decided that, instead of posting the 'memory,' and what I had to say at that time, I'd post the finished page two, the current finished page and an image of my books. Had to fake some of the books; couldn't find my copies of "Fite!" which is disturbing as I don't know where they would have gone. And there is no hard copy of "Fite Comics Shorts." So I just shoved their cover images on top of a photo of the physical books of "Biography," "Harlon," and "The City Dreams of Tamino the Cat." It's a reminder to me that I have accomplished something and that I can and will finish "City Silent," even if it's not tomorrow. I need to do these things every so often. It's good for me.

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