Wednesday, June 12, 2024

 Got this part of the next four pages done. Doesn't look like much now, though it's already something like 33 layers. This is only part of the background as it's meant to look like something Silas painted. There will be alley stuff underneath this, I still have to paint Tamino atop it then Silas and the lyrics. Funny, I've been dreading dealing with Silas' own work for a long time as I wasn't sure what style it would take, what it would look like, how it would be different from other graffiti and then I just did it. Here's hoping it works.


Behemoth media said...

looks like a lot of work! I am curious how Silas' art with different from yours!

T' said...

Well, the style in this track IS Silas' style. There's not really a way I could make it different from my own. The idea was that he and this track are embodying his style. What will happen later is that the other writers' styles will clash with his, be more 'traditional' graffiti stuff.

Behemoth media said...

Oh i understand more now. I am not good at any "style" other than my own, I have a hard enough time with my own look!