Thursday, June 06, 2013

I haven't drawn much lately, and that bugs me, partially because, during this time, it didn't really bug me. Been putting a lot of work into getting Tamino ready for the iTunes book store. Having gone through it again and again, I think it's probably the most autobiographical thing I've done, and that includes comparing it to the Bio comic. I don't mean that it's factually -me- but that the feel, the thought process of characters and just the overall -ness of it is about as me as I think I can express in my art. I also don't think that this would ever be apparent to anyone but me. Anyway, all I have left to do with it is to purchase its ISBN and submit it to iTunes. Then there will be links and ads and stuff in hopes people might buy it and read it. Til then, there's this.


Behemoth media said...

your head can only handle so much creative work at one time, makes sense to me that working on the book for iTunes will eat up all that space, leaving little for anything else. Sometimes you need a break from drawing too, like anything else!

T' said...

I suppose. Breaking from drawing as a whole, though tends to make me feel guilty after awhile.