Saturday, April 29, 2017

I'm including yesterday's image just for contrast. Yesterday's had an orange layer that was originally blended in multiply mode in AD but which wouldn't export properly for some reason. I think I figured out the reason and was able to do exactly what I wanted today. I also learned how one erases content in AD which is bit more crude than AI but it works. Really, you don't erase vector content as much as you create a kind of mask over a selected item so you don't see that part. But it's still there. Seems rather workaround to me, but there you go.

I learned a lot in just the differences between these two. One of the things I was worrying about with the graffiti depiction in this comic was, frankly how to do it. Graffiti is messy stuff and while I could just DO it, plaster it against the walls of my backgrounds, something felt dull about that. So today, I imported some stuff I did for an earlier image and just stuck it under the limited line work I did for the background here and suddenly I had a depth I really liked. This means me getting to go wild with part of the images, which is something I was struggling with, while laying framework on top which should allow the casual reader, if any, to have something to grab onto while allowing me the ability to go kind of nuts at the same time. It also means a lot of work as I'll have to have a sort of library of graffiti that I slap down where I need it. Some I can repeat as the setting will be the same. These are all mental notes, really. As long as I'm beginning to see what I want, I'm happy.


Behemoth media said...

You are back at work! I like the bottom image a lot! The top is very graphic design while the bottom looks more organic to me. Affinity has another update planned by early summer I think so maybe there will be an eraser too, I know it's in higher the wish list with the vectorizer. I have learned so much about the new apps since I stopped using illustrator and photoshop and was forced to get deeper into the affinity stuff and with some small exceptions, like some of the warping filters I have found a way to do just about everything.

T' said...

Don't know if you saw, but AD is available for Windows already. Hoping that it comes out for the iOS devices, too as someone told me they're planning on that, too. If they do, goodbye Adobe. Or, something also possible, Adobe might try and buy them out. We'll see. There are still some clunky parts to AD and I haven't tried AP yet but they're doing a lot more than Adobe ever did to address concerns. Really, SuperVectorizer works great; I have NO problems with that at all and I think it actually does a better job at vectoring my ink lines than AI ever did.

Behemoth media said...

AP has some rough spots as well but each release they make use jumps forward and really listen to what the users want. They are both on Windows now which should really give them a lot more clout (and money). Picktorial has been really good to me so far to replace Bridge, they sent me a personal update to address my not being able to see AP preview images until they could officially implement it in an update! Affinity will have it's own Bridge replacement at some point, but probably after the Indesign replacement comes out which could still be a year off.

T' said...

I can forgive the rough spots as I want to make a break from Adobe which hasn't exactly been trying to help its users out much. Being on both major platforms can't hurt at all, and might help them build a little empire. I really am dedicated to not using AI again if possible. The ONE thing that kind of worries me at this point is exporting in that you seem to have to decide the DPI ahead of time. Being able to choose that after the fact is a HUGE advantage in AI, and really, as they're vectors, I can't see how it should matter. My guess is that it has to do with that ability to have a pixel layer or two.

Behemoth media said...

I think it's easy to forget how many bugs and issues the adobe products had and have as well. In some ways you trade some bugs for a other bugs. AP has some issues with the batch export, as in some images are warped, especially square ones which is my favourite format. So that's a big problem for me but not enough to switch back!