Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Cheating? No. Yes, I reused most of page 59 in page 60 but I did it for a specific reason. I wanted there to be a paused moment. I could have reinked the pencils or something but that felt like busy work just to be busy, or perhaps to assuage my conscience for repeating images. And yet, would it have really done what I wanted? By reusing the same images, I remove excess focus on them. If they were noticeably different, I think the reader would start visually poking about, looking for more than just the subtle changes in inking to see if they missed something else or there was another small detail that mattered that had been changed between the two pages. Since they're not, I think the eye of the reader will not linger more than I want it to and go right to the text, assuming that Silas is 'taking a moment to wake up,' or come out of dream. That's what I wanted. I could even see the argument for putting another copy of the artwork without any text at all between 59 and 60. That felt excessive, but I'll revisit it when I compile the song. I did draw a new element; the ladder. First thing I've inked by hand in like three months. Why is there a ladder in his bedroom? Is he still asleep? I guess we'll see.

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