Wednesday, February 27, 2019

This is how a page of Ghiroy is supposed to go: fast. Sometimes I think I spend too much time on the pages for this. It was meant to be a quick, dirty bit of fun, nothing else. Sure, there can be more serious content in the story, I just didn't want it to become a chore, and it did, here and there. Made for some good pages, sometimes but slowed me down and kept me from doing them, much as I'm having trouble with City Silent right now. When making this, there was a REALLY weird 3D effect going on with the text at the bottom. That blue was shooting forward of the red like the old red and blue glasses. The most weird part is that I have a cataract in my right eye so 3D stuff doesn't tend to work for me at all. This was burning right through it. Doesn't seem to be doing it in the jpg version, which is probably a good thing. I've never seen just straight color do that before. Otherwise, Crow and his brother don't get along, and Ricken has problems with elves. Or guys getting too close.

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