Tuesday, March 26, 2019

I am a lazy bastard. I cannot deny this. That has nothing to do with why there's been nothing for the past five days. We had a visitor over the weekend so the studio became a spare bedroom and I wanted to spend time with my guest. That all being said, I had a lot of stuff to do today. Managed to get three loads of laundry done, I called my insurance company to make sure my upcoming eye surgery was covered, I received, tried on and posed with my new set of scale armor (for the orc costume), edited an episode of the podcast, cooked dinner, napped, played some video games and still managed, somehow, to get a new page done from scratch. It's only 10 pm. I'll be up for another three hours. Today was a freak occurrence. I never get this much done. But I'm glad I did.

All that being said, I've been toying with and seriously considering making myself focus on just one comic this year. Ghiroy. Why? Because I actually got some feedback about it recently and most of it, even when constructive, was positive. I think that things get watered down and progress more slowly because I have all these styles. So... I think I'm going to try not to look at so much art that isn't related and maybe, at least for a few months, try working on only one thing. We'll see.


Behemoth media said...

You are the busiest most productive lazy person I have ever met! Remmeber so many of thee "non -lazy" people never produce a single thing, ever. Concentating on one comic might be what you need to this one done. Maybemotivate you to finish Ghiroy to get to Silent City if nothing else. With his new style you seem to be able to work thriugh pages nore quickly so it might go faste rthan you think!

T' said...

There are these rare days where I do get a lot done in spite of myself. This was one of them. Wish I could be like that every day! These pages do come together fast when I don't have detailed backgrounds. So we'll see. Thanks!