Sunday, March 10, 2019

Quick test of a new approach. While I'm still using the greyscale to build my shapes, the first overlay is using the 'proper' colors for the character. The final overlay is for the accent color for lighting. So in this case, greys, a series of caucasian tones, oranges and browns over that in overlay mode and a final layer in blue in multiply. It's a lot more work but I think it's a bit more striking and has more depth than does the brighter colors I have been using.


T' said...
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Behemoth media said...

When I work in colour digitally drawing I pretty much always work on greyscale. It really works well I think, helps me keep lights and darks looking good and always for more interesting adjustments, I think. So weird to be able to comment again!

T' said...

I know, and it's nice to get comments here again! Thanks, Vince!