Thursday, March 14, 2019

So, there's this. Could it be that I'm starting this damned comic AGAIN? Yes, it could be. Why? I got some good feedback on the comic which allowed me to see that maybe there was something more there than just a cute little experimental piece of junk that was wasting my time. I need to focus, to keep the style the same, keep things simple and tight. I think I can keep some of the experimental elements while also making something that will appeal to someone other than me. I'm pretty happy with this, even down to the logo. One of my harshest critics, not me, liked this a lot. While I'm not making something to please him or really anyone, knowing what works is a good thing. Let's hope I can continue working like this or making something that might finally appeal to some kind of audience.


Behemoth media said...

Maybe it is the graphic designer part of me, but this image is really selling me in this new look.

T' said...

Thanks, Vince!