Monday, August 10, 2020

I have been working on stuff but I've changed the process around a little. Since getting a second monitor, I've found that I can much better compose the comic's "tracks" as a whole, not just single pages. Sure, the pros thumbnail out everything but that just makes the repetition more boring for me. Likely, I'm wrong but there you go. So I am still working on this, just not posting as I go along. I'll likely put it up when this track is done. I'm about a third of the way through.

Penciling is still a thing here and there. Two of the figures of these six pages are penciled, the rest are just digital. Somehow, I tend to be looser in pencil. Either way, it's drawing and that nearly always feels good. 


Behemoth media said...

Two monitors are essential! I freak out if I have to use one now! The work in progress looks promising! My lesser monitor is good enough for most normal things like mail etc but I use the 5K iMac monitor for editing and drawing.

(Is that Jupiter as your screen image? I am working on Jupiter images for an animation!)

T' said...

I'm new to it, but I am already loving the second. It, too is a 5k so I'm kind of spoiled. It was my partner's castoff until he could get the 5k he really wanted. That being said, it works fine for me. That is a closeup of Jupiter, actual photo from one of the probes. Those images were utterly amazing.

Behemoth media said...

You are hooked now! I often keep my tools in a window on one screen so I can see even more of the image on the other. And to think I used to say my 12" Amiga screen was "massive"! LOL