Saturday, December 18, 2021

 I don't usually post this kind of thing, but I had a recent trip to Hawaii and my buddy Vince had one to Boston. He posted his photos which were very cool, so I thought I'd post a few of mine. These are just a few, taken with my camera. There are more I took with my phone, some of which are better. But this will give an idea of what we experienced and saw. There's tons more, some of LA as well which I might post. I love taking photos on vacation, better than pretty much anything else. Don't really want souvenirs, just want photos. So, well, here are some. I did also take a few for reference of my 86 year old father who I hadn't seen in over 30 years. Portraits are forthcoming.


Behemoth media said...

Sure, blame me! Lol
I have never been and your photos are different from the others I have seen, one looks like a desert zoo most and I did not expect that. Must have been a fantastic trip. I hope seeing your father went well. 30 years is a long time.

T' said...

Seeing him was a little rough but not as much as it could have been. I tend to take photos of details when I go places, maybe one or two of an area but then I focus in. Really, Hawaii is jungle, rain forest. There are flowers and really interesting plants everywhere. There was also a bunch I took in downtown LA. Perhaps I'll post some of those as well. Thanks for looking.

Behemoth media said...

Then I will look again! Your trip was maybe still nicer than mine. It was and continues to be and will be tough with my parents these days.

T' said...

Things have been tough between me and my dad since pretty much day 1. I don't know that it's ever occurred to him that my not having seen him in 30+ years was deliberate. His self understanding is pretty low. But now he's 86 and has cancer so it felt like the time. It seemed to make him happy that we visited, so there's that. And Hawaii was really lovely.

Behemoth media said...

I knew you have had your problems with him, not seeing him for 30 years seems like a good hint that maybe something was up. At least he was in Hawaii and not… Pittsburg or something. I think if it was good for you to see him then it was the right thing to do. My parents both have dementia but but my is really in a bad dangerous state and paranoid on top of it all. She has rejected my sisters and the grandkids and it’s heartbreaking to see it happen and know she can never get better. It is happening to quote a few of my friends now with their parents. Being in another country in a pandemic makes everything much more difficult.