Friday, February 21, 2014

Another Monkey for morning warm up. I've got to name and do something with that character...

EDIT: Didn't like the monkey so much in the original so re-drew him and edited the new version into the old image. Love the eraser tool in AI as it lets me make this kind of edit without trouble at all.


Behemoth media said...

do you work on one or many layers? I'll work on quite a few then reduce them as I get to a more finished drawing. I think I would keep different characters on their own layers.... just in case! that may be my work habit speaking. When I retouch or do things for clients I always keeps everything on it's own layer since clients always change their minds.

T' said...

Depends on what it is. For these quick sketches, I often just keep to one layer. Sometimes I'll have a second one just for the background if it's too complex, though really I should always do that. I always keep drawn characters and drawn backgrounds separate, both in the inked versions and the digital. I assemble everything together and, really final composition is done on the fly, something I wouldn't recommend to anyone else, though it works for me. :"D

Behemoth media said...

I have layers for everything it seems when I start out. For portraits of animals or people I have a layer for yes, nose and mouth another for hair, another for skin, another for clothes, another for background elements etc etc etc. I lock them if I am not using them too as i have a habit of drawing on the wrong one or erasing something that took hours to do!