Thursday, February 13, 2014

More warm up, more pushing. I really have to warm up a lot to be able to get to this point and it's a lot of fun. This is the step I generally can't get to with my cartooning; making up the rules, sticking to them and making them work, even if they have no basis in reality. To me, this stuff is playful, dynamic and more towards the heart of cartooning. It's too far to push for the other rabbits, but it still helps add to what I'm doing there. Anyway, it's fun to do and I like it. Has to be the least popular kind of stuff I do. Woo me! :"D


Behemoth media said...

Pushing further is the only way to surpass your limits i think. I push in completely different ways and actually feel disappointed in stuff I do that doesn't push me in some way.

T' said...

I totally agree and if there's one 'theme' to my work, I think it's that need to push. There are SO many people for whom this seems to come easily. I'm just not one of them. So when that bug bites, I got for it. Should have been working on other things today but I'm glad I did the three images I did. It will all help me with other stuff.