Thursday, April 17, 2014

It does get this bad sometimes. Ahh, the life of a 'hipster;' to be interested in things almost no one else is, though in my case it's not BECAUSE other people aren't interested, which seems to be at the heart of what an actual hipster is, it's just that my tastes don't seem to parallel much of anyone else's. Had a long conversation with my partner last night about this, and one of his comments was, "How many people that are interested in the kind of cartoony stuff you do own a copy of Hockney's, "Secret Knowledge" and have read it more than once?" This doesn't make me a better artist or anything, it just points out that, unlike some of the younger folks out there who ARE making money in the industries in which I have interest, I have broader tastes and curiosity. Or something. And of course, all that self-study makes its way into my work one way or the other. He claimed that even my color choices were challenging, which I didn't really understand. Stuff like the Haaken the Elf comic and character designs don't seem challenging to ME, but then again, what do I know? Still, the final word on this is that I won't stop drawing. I might stop sharing it but I can't really stop drawing. It's not in me to sit back and be a total consumer. I honestly think my hands would twitch or shake, needing something to do, needing to grab a pencil, brush or pen at some point to make SOMEthing. So, this. Biography is meant to depict a moment, a fraction, not the whole. If I felt it strong enough to draw it, it usually means it's something I want to examine more or it's something I need to get out of my system. This one was the latter. Oh, and hi, Vince. :"D


Anonymous said...

I kinda like your work... ):

T' said...

Thank you. :"D

Behemoth media said...

I am plugging away on my films no one wants to see as well and constantly think if I just stopped doing it all I'd have more money, be more able to take an even more hateful job and become the psychotic mess I was destined to be.