Wednesday, May 21, 2014

A few designs from yesterday. One is Sharp and Benny as kids. There will be a part of the comic with them at this age. Next is Sharp's parents. Third is the current 'twisty' style used in a more sedate pose to see if it worked ok and last is one of the zombie monster things though rendered with a brush pen. I like the brush better. Working on the story now. It needs it. It is SO much easier to just start and write as one goes, but this kind of story, or at least the kind of result I want can't really be done this way. A lot of study of film and its structure is helping. Now if I can just get the damned script done...


Behemoth media said...

Do you ever work from other people's stories? Of course you'd have to know a writer or something for that!

T' said...

I tried once and it didn't work out so well. If I'm not totally invested in the story, I drag my heels and art becomes work. So perhaps all these attempts at getting into the animation industry aren't such a good idea. There's a difference, though in designing characters (which is generally a lot of fun) and doing a whole comic.

Behemoth media said...

most of my professional work is collaborative so I'm sort of into it, especially since I don't do some things very well and others do. Even the "Happy Houseboat" was between me and my cousin!