Sunday, November 29, 2015

Last page of the comic. It turned out a good deal sadder than I thought it would and I'm ok with that. I'm sure tragedy like this happens to young people all the time. It's likely a reflection of my own grief in the loss of my mom as well. I think, too that there is still a huge pressure on the 'average straight man' to not show emotions other than anger or some happiness, the latter only mostly in regards to sports or other 'manly' things or with intimacy. Anger is ok for some reason as it's 'manly' or something. I don't know. I know that when it came time to grieve for mom, I couldn't do it in front of anyone, not even my partner. I have no idea why. So this throwaway comic is for all that, more serious than I thought it would be and it allowed me to explore some stylistic things as well. I'll likely continue with this style to some extent in Ghiroy, though not so wrinkly. I can easily see painting more with this kind of style and will likely do so.

This is the longest piece I've done since Tamino ended. Not sure what, if anything that means.


Behemoth media said...

It s a sad story and I have to say you've managed to pull it off without getting lazy at the end drawing or concept-wise. That's something to be proud of. I grieve in private, but I prefer to do everything in private as you know! what does it mean? It means you are s serious come artist who can and does finishes what he starts... sometimes anyway!

T' said...

Thanks, Vince. Once I start a comic, I've always finished it and by start I mean actually doing the story. Prelim work doesn't count! :"D