Thursday, November 05, 2015

Newest page for Smatt's Journey (though I think it's going to be called Smatt's Odyssey when it's all done). Another page done while live streaming. I'm only getting a page a week done this way, not finding time to do them otherwise, or am I saving them to have content for the stream? Could be some of both. In any case, it might be worth keeping all this in mind when starting Ghiroy. If I do that combined with a Patreon, something I would never expect to actually 'pay the bills,' it might be the motivation I need to keep a regular schedule. And it doesn't matter if I get the page done during 'the show,' as long as it gets done and a good amount of work is done because of it. As far as this comic goes, there's five more pages to go, and those a lot easier to draw as the central figure won't appreciably change.


Behemoth media said...

I sort of assumed that when this was done you would continue the streaming with Ghiroy so glad to hear you'll be doing just that! Do you get paid money is people sign up and watch? I don't know how that works. If so i will break my social media ban and sign up.

T' said...

There are some people, yourself included that I would notify anyway, and really if I DO a Patreon, the goal wouldn't be to gather money but to gather audience or community. It would also potentially be a site for behind the scenes stuff, if anyone was interested. I've done this before, here for example, but it hasn't brought people around. Perhaps Patreon can do this. If I continue with Picarto, it would be public anyway.

Behemoth media said...

It would just be nice to get you some money for your art, then the wiglettts can accuse you of being a sellout! If you really want to get people watching, show nipples. it always works LOL
My blogger is just another thing for people to look at when considering me for jobs I hope and to keep people up to date on my work, not that anyone is really all that interested. But i'll keep doing my stuff regardless.